
Clomid – fertility drug

Clomid – fertility treatment

Clomid (Clomifene citrate) is a widely-used, effective fertility treatment that can help you get pregnant by encouraging your ovaries to release eggs. Here’s a quick guide to how it works and when to take it.

Clomid fertility drug

When is Clomid used?

If you’ve having problems conceiving, and considering fertility treatments, doctors may try fertility drugs before assisted conception treatments like IVF.

What is Clomid?

Clomid is the brand name for a drug called Clomifene citrate - an effective fertility treatment that can help you get pregnant by stimulating your ovaries to release eggs. It’s ideal if you ovulate infrequently, or you’re not ovulating at all.

Clomid is particularly helpful for women with polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovary syndrome.

It’s also used to boost egg production before starting a fertility treatment, like intrauterine insemination (IUI).

In the past it was used to treat unexplained infertility, but doctors have stopped because it’s no longer thought to be effective.

How does Clomid work?

Clomid works by blocking the effect of the hormone oestrogen in your body, which means you automatically start producing more of the other two hormones you need to ovulate - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH).

FSH ripens the eggs in your ovaries, getting them ready to release, while LH triggers the release of one or more mature eggs from your ovary follicles.

What’s the success rate of Clomid?

Clomid is thought to help about 70 per cent of women ovulate and roughly 40 per cent will become pregnant.

How do I take it?

You start off with a low dose which you take as pills. Your doctor or fertility specialist will advise you on what’s best for you, but many women take a fairly low dose of Clomid (50mg) for five days early in your cycle, for up to six months at a time.

If it doesn’t seem to be helping, your doctor might try increasing the dose to see if that helps. Unfortunately, some women find Clomid doesn’t work for them at all, in which case your doctor may recommend you try other drugs instead.

Does Clomid have any side-effects?

It can cause a few side effects – some women experience bleeding in between menstrual periods, sore breasts, bloating or stomach ache, eyesight problems, headaches, heavy or painful periods, nausea, pelvic pain and vomiting.

It’s important you don’t take Clomid while pregnant, so make sure you double check before you start taking it.

Can it produce multiple pregnancies

Drugs that stimulate ovulation like this can result in your body releasing more than one egg, increasing your chance of multiple pregnancy, most likely twins.

Clomid – fertility drug