
Sagittarius dads are...

What does his star sign say about him as a dad?

What is a Sagittarius dad like?

We take a look at Sagittarius dads to uncover their typical traits

Sagitarius Dad 474

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21

A gentle, calm and down-to-earth daddy, Sagittarius dad fulfils his role and responsibility with care and dedication - once he gets used to the idea!

He’s fun to be with and values spending time with the family and he knows it is way more important than spending money on children.  

He’ll often have his own childlike attitude that makes him really fun and cheerful.  Yet he may not be all that comfortable around babies. He tends to enjoy it more and make it up to them when they become older.

He’s not too hard or strict with his kids and can be quite straightforward and blunt at times.  But he comes from a place of wanting only the best for his children.

Sagittarius dads enjoy teaching their kids a love of learning and like to show their kids the world at large, whether that is through travel and adventure of or an everyday task that he can show them. He enjoys getting them thinking about things and having grown up conversations, exposing his kids to different culture and people and telling them stories. 

Generally speaking, he is a cool dad. Responsible, dedicated and devoted.

His parenting style in a nutshell:

He strikes a good balance between discipline and freedom.  He is good at knowing when to step in and when to give freedom and gently guidance.  His childlike spirit helps him to bond with his children and he can be counted on to create a diverse learning environment as they grow.

Famous Sagittarius dads:

• Jay Z
• Brad Pitt
• John Bishop
• Ben Shepherd
• Elliott Wright

Sagittarius dads are...