
Reclaim your love life

Ways to coax your libido out of its hiding place...

Libido last seen lurking under that box of nappies? Don't worry you're not alone.

In the last few months, you’ve had a baby. Which of the following holds more appeal? A night of passion with your other half or an uninterrupted night’s sleep?

At a glance

  • Turn your bedroom back into a space for grown-ups
  • Plan date nights - it'll give you the time and space to reconnect
  • Boost your confidence with some sexy underwear

If you picked the first option, then you can click on another feature/link. But if you picked the second option while wishing the first appealed more, then keep reading...

“No sane woman will sprint to have sex when she’s only had four hours sleep and/or is juggling motherhood with a demanding job," says Anita Naik, author of Lazy Girl's Guide to Sex. But with a little creativity and determination, you can put the romance back into your relationship. Here’s how...

Set the mood...

It’s hard to get in the mood when your libido was last seen lurking under a box of nappies in the corner, so turn your bedroom back into a room for grown-ups by creating a sanctuary free from baby clutter. 

Share the chores...

Try to reach an agreement about the division of housework – you won’t feel sexy if you’re up to your eyes in washing and cleaning all day.

Rediscover intimacy...

Mums can often feel emotionally exhausted at the end of a day of cuddling and comforting their baby. It’s easy to forget about being intimate with your partner so make an effort to be loving and affectionate. A kiss can go a long way…

Take small steps...

Be romantic and affectionate, without pressuring yourself to feel ‘sexy.’   You can still share intimate moments, perhaps with a hug, sensual massage or by taking a candlelit bath together.

Schedule in date nights...

Take advantage of family members keen to babysit to get some time alone. You don’t have to paint the town red - a quiet dinner, long walk or intimate chat can work wonders.

Dress yourself sexy...

Some pretty new underwear will do wonders for your new shape. Save the pre-pregnancy lingerie until you’re ready to wear it again. In any case, what girl doesn’t like an excuse to go shopping.

At a glance

  • Turn your bedroom back into a space for grown-ups
  • Plan date nights - it'll give you the time and space to reconnect
  • Boost your confidence with some sexy underwear
Be romantic and affectionate, without pressuring yourself to feel sexy

Reclaim your love life